Active Projects


Cupcini Church MoldovaFirst Church built in Moldova since 1945This beautiful C hurch was the first church of any denomination to be built in Cupcini, Moldova since 1945.

It was built on ground that was included with the house we purchased for a day centre from the Mayor of Cupcini.

After opening the day centre, it became apparent that there was a considerable Catholic population in the town, who lost their place to worship God, after the Communists took over Moldova in 1945. The Russian Army bulldozed their church and sent their priests to Siberia in Russia.Cupcini Church MoldovaPlaque in honour of HUDT

We had meetings with the people and discovered nothing would add to their life more than to have a place again to worship. Not only was the older generation interested in bringing back the faith, but the younder generation were also fascinated to know the real history of their culture before Communism took over and ruled their city and country. 

This, more than anything else, was to give them hope in the future and finally demonstrate that the Communists were not in command of their lives any more and they could look to a future that would be influenced by their own choice.

Cupcini Church MoldovaVal Conlon cutting ribbon for new church with Bishop Anton CosaBut even though they all considered themselves Catholic, they have never had religious instruction as they had been brought up in a soviet society which forced them to learn Russian and were banned from speaking or writing in their own language.Cupcini ChurchMosaic Image behind altar

Everyone in this locality was offered Communist Party membership which would have ensured them of jobs and other benefits but nearly all refused this offer, even though it reflected on their lives thereafter in an adverse manner.  

 So the Catholic order of sisters who came from Romania volunteered to  come here six months before the day centre was opened to learn Russian, now agreed to give the people religious instruction as well. This is the order of sisters who have devoted their lives to bringing mercy to the poor where ever they can reach out to. We had given them the opportunity to come with us and do this here in Moldova. We had many donations sent to us specifically to go to the building of this church, and we thank all those Divine Mercy donors who helped with the church, but also with the purchase of the day centre.