Looking after the sick Timisoara is a very poor town in the heart of Romania where most of the young have left for greener fields. The result is a high population of elderly people, who have no support from the Government and no extended family.
We built a state of the art Hospice
Many of these live alone and have serious debilitating diseases, which living in terrible conditions and malnutrition has caused.
When our charity 'Help Us Dry the Tears' (HUDT) was asked to help, we went there to investigate and found a community of sisters working in very difficult circumstances and with very little resources trying to give many impoverished people sustenance and medical help in homes that could only be described as hovels.
Staff of Hospice
Most of these people were bed ridden and covered in bed sores and the sisters had to visit them every day to turn them over and treat them as best they could with the little that they had. 'Help Us Dry the Tears' (HUDT) built a Hospice for the sisters which was the second hospice built in Romania, the other one being run by the sisters we work with in the capital Bucharest. Chapel in Hospice
Today the sisters in Timisoara cater for all these people and give them treatment in the most modern of hospice facilities.